Welcome to the 34th QOMSBOC!
The Quebec/Ontario Mini-Symposium for Synthetic and Bioorganic Chemistry (QOMSBOC), now in its 34th year, is dedicated to the exhibition of graduate research in the chemical sciences, and is the premier regional meeting in organic and bio-organic chemistry. The conference is held every year and alternates between Quebec and Ontario Universities. This year we are excited to welcome QOMSBOC back to the location of its inception at the University of Toronto! For the second year in a row, we will be collaborating with EWOC EastCan to bring several exciting events to this conference.
Important Deadlines
Registration and abstract submission are now open! Please refer to the links at the top of the page to register, to submit an abstract, or for more information.
Abstract Deadline: Tuesday, October 15 @ 5 PM EST
Earlybird Registration Deadline: Monday, October 21 @ 11:59 PM EST
2024 Plenary Speakers
We are excited to welcome a fantastic line up of keynote speakers to QOMSBOC!
2024 Sponsors
We are grateful for the generous support of these organizations.
Gold Sponsors
We are looking for more sponsors! If you are interested in sponsoring QOMSBOC, you can view our sponsorship letter and tiers here. Please contact Sophie Rousseaux (sophie.rousseaux@utoronto.ca).